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Belly Dancing on the Beach!

These are pictures of a friend of mine. She asked if we could take some shots and I was looking for a creative outlet. I asked her if she minded getting on a boat in front of a very public restaurant at Joe Pool Lake and she (being the kind of belly dancer who performs at restaurants) said she'd be there. Then, we made a trip to the other side of the lake and settled on a beach I usually go to have picnics with my family. I love these shots and I'm so grateful that my friend had no inhibitions, no demands on how I processed them, and no worries about going across a lake in a belly dancing costume with a life vest on and the wind blowing her sequined headband around.

I personally loved that at the end of our shoot, an older couple ambled into our cove in their fishing boat and watched us as we shot the last few pictures. Now there's something you don't see that often while bass fishing!!!